Murray Osorio scrambles to avert surprise deportation of mother and two children

Family posing together

Background of Case

A mother and two children—the younger of whom is a U.S. citizen—were surprised to be taken into custody by ICE during a routine check-in on Valentine’s Day.

When ICE rejected the release request submitted by their immigration lawyer and told the family that they were going to be deported to El Salvador the following morning, their immigration lawyer reached out to Murray Osorio, given Murray Osorio’s expertise in federal litigation.


The attorneys at Murray Osorio worked rigorously to pull together an overnight filing in the federal district court given the tight timeline.

Murray Osorio won a midnight order preventing ICE from removing the family from the United States for 14 days, so that the firm can prepare and file applications for relief.

The ICE flight to El Salvador took off the following morning without them on board.

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